Sunday, May 15, 2011

Why Am I Here?

The idea of this blog is to keep a running history of a couple projects I am soon to begin.

Number one is my second journey into hot glass.  The first time I played around with a torch was after a year of working with stained glass.  I sold my glass equipment in order to buy a Midrange torch and a basic set up with an oxygen tank.  Very soon after, the Midrange turned into a Mega Minor with a small oxycon.  That stint lasted less than a year (pretty typical for me) but I had an idea I would get back to the hobby at some point.  That time has come.

I have a GTT Bobcat and M15 oxycon on order.  My plan is to spend at least 5 years behind the Bobcat (taking time out for meals) giving myself enough time to grow and learn as a glass artist. 

The second project that will show up on these pages during the summer will be my second kayak build.  My first boat is a Bear Mountain Endeavour; a cedar strip kayak built in 2008.  This summer's boat will be a Laughing Loon North Star; a baidarka style cedar strip boat.

That's the plan...